Insula Lab
SISSA - Trieste, Italy
SISSA - Trieste, Italy
SISSA - Trieste, Italy
SISSA - Trieste, Italy

Raffaella Rumiati

Director of the Neuroscience and Society LAB at SISSA. Raffaella Rumiati is Full Professor of Cognitive Nerusocience at SISSA. She graduated with a Master's degree in philosophy, with a psychology curriculum, and obtained a PhD in psychology from the University of Bologna, Italy, while doing her research towards the PhD thesis at the School of Psychology of Birmingham University, UK.

What is Neuroscience?

The term Neuroscience refers to the scientific study of the brain. The brain is an incredibly complex system, and there are many approaches to its investigation.


The objectives of the lab are to explore emotionspersonality traitssocial information, cognitive reserve by using an integrative approach that brings together neurological, psychological and physiological models of the human brain within neuroscience.


Explore the unexplored (yet).

The Neuroscience and Society LAB uses techniques from neuroscience to uncover mechanisms of emotion, personality traits, social information and cognitive reserve processing in healthy human participants and patients with neurological, neurosurgical, neuropsychological, and developmental disorders. 

Some Collaborations

School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania

Valentina Parma and Luca Piretti collaborate with an alumna of the lab, Dr. Elisabetta Ambron, now working at the Laboratory for Cognition and Neural Stimulation Neurology Department, School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania on a project related to social group knowledge in patients. 

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