Francesco obtained his Master's and PhD degrees from the University of Oregon (USA) and subsequently was a post-doctoral fellow at the VU University Amsterdam (The Netherlands). Between 2010 and 2012 he was appointed as Research Fellow and Lecturer at Utrecht University. In 2012 he joined SISSA to collaborate on the FOODCAST Grant investigating perceptual aspects of food processing and affective cognitive processes involved in food choice. In 2012, he received the SISSA Young Researcher Award, giving him an opportunity to develop the GENE-project. Taking advantage of a large sample of twins, the GENE-project investigates different components of social judgment combining behavioral, EMG, and EEG techniques.
Selected publications:
Ambron, E., Rumiati, R.I., & Foroni, F. (in press). Do emotions or gender drive our actions? A study of motor distractibility. Cognitive Neuroscience.
Foroni, F. , Rumiati, R.I., Coricelli, C., & Ambron, E., (in press). A bait that we cannot avoid: Food-induced motor distractibility. Brain and Cognition.
Rumiati, R.I., & Foroni, F. (in press). We are what we eat: How food is represented in our mind/brain. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review.
Ambron, E., & Foroni, F. (2015). The attraction of emotions: Irrelevant emotional information modulates motor actions. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 22, 1117-1123.
Baumeister, J-C., Rumiati, R.I., & Foroni, F. (2015). When the mask ‘falls’: the role of facial muscle resonance in memory for emotional language. Acta Psychologica, 155, 29-36.
Foroni, F. (2015). Do we embody Second Language? Evidence for ‘partial’ simulation during processing of a second language. Brain and Cognition, 99, 8-16.
Foroni, F., Pergola, G., Argiris, G., & Rumiati, R.I. (2013). The FoodCast Research Image Database (FRIDa). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7:51.
Foroni, F., & Rothbart, M. (2013). Abandoning a label doesn’t make it disappear: The perseverance of labeling effects. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 126-131.
Foroni, F., & Semin, G.R. (2013). Comprehension of Action Negation Involves Inhibitory Simulation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7: 209.
Piccoli, V., Foroni, F., & Carnaghi, A. (2013). Comparing group dehumanization and intra-sexual competition among pill-users and non pill-users. Personality and Social Psychological Bulletin, 39, 1600-1609.
Foroni, F., & Semin, G.R. (2012). Not all Implicit Measures of Attitudes are created equal: Evidence from an embodiment perspective. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48(1), 424-427.
IJzerman, H., & Foroni, F. (2012). Not by thoughts alone: How language supersizes the cognitive toolkit. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35(4), 24-25.
Lakens, D., Semin, G.R., Foroni, F. (2012). But for the Bad, There Would not be Good: Grounding Valence in Brightness through Shared Relational Structures. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 141(3), 584-594.
Quené, H., Semin, G.R., & Foroni, F., (2012). Audible smiles and frowns affect speech comprehension. Speech Communication, 54, 917-922.
Foroni, F. & Rothbart, M. (2011). Category Boundaries and Category Labels: When does a category name influence the perceived similarity of category members? Social Cognition, 29(5), 547-577.
Foroni, F. & Semin, G.R. (2011). When does Mimicry affect Evaluative Judgment? Emotion, 11(3), 687-690.
Lakens, D., Semin, G.R., & Foroni, F. (2011). Why Your Highness Needs the People: Comparing the Absolute and Relative Representation of Power in Vertical Space. Social Psychology, 42(3), 205-213.
Foroni, F., & Bel-Bahar, T.S. (2010). Picture-IAT vs. Word-IAT: Level of stimulus representation influences on the IAT. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 321-337.
Foroni, F., Pong, V., Rothbart, M., & Pearce, G.E. (2010). Does the correlation between self and ingroup/outgroup depend on group favorability? Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 13(4), 515-524.
Foroni, F., & Semin, G.R. (2009). Language that puts you in touch with your bodily feelings: The Multimodal Responsiveness of Affective Expressions. Psychological Science, 20(8), 974-980.
Foroni, F., & Mayr, U. (2005). The power of a story: New, automatic associations from a single reading of a short scenario. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 12(1), 139-144.