Raffaella Rumiati

Raffaella Rumiati is Full Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at SISSA. She graduated with a Master's degree in philosophy, with a psychology curriculum, and obtained a PhD in psychology from the University of Bologna, Italy, while doing her research towards the PhD thesis at the School of Psychology of Birmingham University, UK.

Her scientific publication record counts more than 100 peer reviewed publications on cognitive neuroscientific topics, but she is also been publishing in newspapers and magazines (pee es., Il Sole 24 Ore, La Stampa, Pagine Ebraiche, Il Piccolo, Sapere, Mente e Cervello).

She is a member of the Editorial board of the peer reviewed journal “Cognitive Neuropsychology”, an Action Editor for “Brain and Cognition” and serves as ad hoc reviewer for many international journals within the cognitive neurosciences. She gave about 70 talks as an invited speaker in Italy and abroad. She is a member of the steering committee of the European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology (http://bressanone.dur.ac.uk/).

She spent several research visiting periods at the London National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (London, UK), at the Max Planck Institute for Psychology in Munich, Germany, at the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot (Israel), and a year at the Forschungszentrum (FSZ, Jülich, Germany). She is visiting scientist at the Laboratory for Symbolic Cognitive Development, Intellectual Brain Function Research Group of the Brain Science Institute of RIKEN, Japan.

In 2003, she received the Bessel Prize (von HumboldtStiftung) and in 2006 the Women in Cognitive Science Mentorship Award for her support to female young investigator. In 2013 the Comune di Piacenza awarded her with the  “Premio Pulcheria”.

Google Scholar profile




  1. Rioux, C., Wertz, A., Rumiati, R.I. & Coricelli, C. (2024). FEED your mind: The evolutionary roots of human food cognition (under review).


  1. Bersier, N., Pamplona, G., Rumiati, R.I., & Ionta, S. (2024). The impact of stimuli on men's and women's neural activation in mental rotation tasks (submitted).


  1. Pisanu, E., Arbula, S. & Rumiati, R.I. (2024). The role of personality in social interaction perception: an ERP and source imaging study (under review).


  1. Mauti, M., Monachesi B., Taccari, G. & Rumiati, R.I. Facing healthy and pathological aging: A systematic review of fMRI task-based studies to understand the neural mechanisms of cognitive reserve (submitted).


  1. Bersier, N., Arbula, S., Ionta, S., & Rumiati, R.I. (2024). Mental rotation-related neural interactions between gender and cognitive strategy. Imaging Neuroscience (under review).


  1. Montemurro, S., Rumiati, R.I., Pucci, V. Nucci, M. & Mondini S.  (2024). Cognitive Reserve can impact Trajectories in ageing: A longitudinal study (under review).


  1. Tomasino, B. Canderan, C. & Rumiati, R.I. (2024). Instruction-induced modulation of the visual stream during gesture observation (under review).


  1. Terenzi, D. Silvetti, M., Zoccolan, G., Rumiati, R.I. & Aiello, M. (2024). The impact of Subclinical Psychotic Symptoms on delay and effort discounting: Insights from behavioral, computational, and electrophysiological methods (Schizophrenia Research, in press).


  1. Lunardon, M., Cerni, T. & Rumiati, R.I. (2024). Field of study and gender modulation of the effect of personality and math anxiety on numeracy. Journal of Psychology, 1-29. https://doi.org/10.1080/00223980.2024.2352706


  1. Casula, E.P., Pezzopane, V., Roncaioli, A., Battaglini, L., Rumiati, R.I., Rothwell, L.J., Rocchi, L. & Koch, G. (2024). Real‑time cortical dynamics during motor inhibition, Scientific Reports, 14:7871  | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-57602-0


  1. Arbula, S., Pisanu, E., Bellavita, G., Menichelli, A., Lunardelli, A., Furlanis, G., Manganotti, M., Cappa, S. & Rumiati, R.I. (2024). Insights into attention and memory difficulties in post-COVID syndrome using standardized neuropsychological tests and experimental cognitive tasks. Scientific Reports, 14: 440510.1038/s41598-024-54613-9


  1. Pisanu, E., Arbula, S. & Rumiati, R.I. (2024). Personality and sex differences in the perception of social interactions: an ERP and source imaging study Humam Brain Mapping. Feb 1; 45(2): e26593, doi: 10.1002/hbm.26593



  1. Piretti, L., Pappaianni, E., Garbin, C., Rumiati, R.I., Job, R. & Grecucci, A. (2023). The neural signatures of shame, embarrassment and guilt: A voxel-based meta-analysis on functional neuroimaging studies. Brain Sciences. Mar 26;13(4):559. doi: 10.3390/brainsci13040559.


  1. Tomasino, B. De Fraja, G., Guarracino, I., Ius, T., D’Agostini, S., Skrap, M., & Rumiati, R.I. (2023). Cognitive reserve and individual differences in brain tumor patients. Brain Communications, Jul 8;5(4):fcad198, doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcad198.


  1. Tomasino, B. Canderan, C., Bonivento, C. & Rumiati, R.I. (2023). Attention to the other’s body sensations modulates the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. SCAN, Feb 23; 18(1):nsac043. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsac043.



  1. Chen, P.J., Coricelli, C., Sinem, K., Rumiati, R.I., & Foroni, F. (2022). The role of associative learning in healthy and sustainable food evaluations: An event-related potential study. Neuroscience Research, 183, 61-75, doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2022.07.002.


  1. Lunardon, M., Cerni, T. & Rumiati, R.I. (2022). Numeracy gender gap in STEM higher education: The role of neuroticism and math anxiety. Frontiers in Psychology, 26 May 2022 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.856405


  1. Coricelli, C., Aiello, M. Lunardelli, A., Galli, G. & Rumiati, R.I. (2022). sFEra app: Description and usabiity of a novel tablet application for executive functions training. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 6, 389-401. doi: 10.1007/s41465-022-00245-8.


  1. Coricelli, C., Rumiati, R.I. & Rioux, C. (2022). Implicit and explicit safety evaluation of foods: The importance of food processing. Appetite, 29;175:106062. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2022.106062.


  1. Piretti, L., Di Tella, S., Lo Monaco, M.R., Delle Donne, V., Rumiati, R.I. & Silveri, M.C. (2022). Impaired processing of conspecifics in Parkinson’s disease, Applied Neuropsychology, 10,1-9, https://doi.org/10.1080/23279095.2022.2074299


  1. Tessari, A., Proietti, R. & Rumiati, R.I. (2022). Bottom up and top down modulation of route selection in imitation. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 23,1-16. doi: 10.1080/02643294.2022.2043264.


  1. Pisanu, E., Di Benedetto, A., Infurna, M.R., & Rumiati, R.I. (2022). Psychological impact in healthcare professionals during emergencies: the Italian experience with COVID-19. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 21 March 2022 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2022.818674


  1. Cecchetto, C., Pisanu, E., Schöpf, V., Rumiati, R.I. & Aiello, M. (2022). Food olfactory cues reactivity in individuals with obesity and the contribution of alexithymia. Appetite, Feb 1;169:105827, doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2021.105827.


  1. Foroni, F., Esmaeilikia, M., & Rumiati, R.I. (2022). What makes a food healthy? Sex differences in what is associated to healthiness evaluations. Food Quality and Preference, 96, 104438, doi.org/10.1016/j.foodqual.2021.104438


  1. Terenzi, D., Catalan, M., Polverino, P., Bertolotti, P., Manganotti, P., Rumiati, R.I. & Aiello, M. (2022). Effects of tDCS on reward responsiveness and valuation in impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s patients with impulse control disorders. Journal of Neurology,  269, 1557–1565, Jul 31. doi: 10.1007/s00415-021-10733-0


  1. Mondini, S., Pucci, V., Montemurro, S. & Rumiati, R.I. (2022). Protective factors for cognitive decline: Trajectories and changes in a longitudinal study with Italian elderly. European Journal of Neurology, 9(3):691-697, doi: 10.1111/ene.15183



  1. Piretti, L., Pappaianni, E., Gobbo, S., Rumiati, R.I., Job, R., & Grecucci, A. (2021). Dissociating the role of dlPFC and dACC/dmPFC in emotional appraisal and mood regulation using cathodal tDCS. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, doi.org/10.3758/s13415-021-00952-3


  1. Cerni, T., Di Benedetto, A. & Rumiati, R.I. (2021). The contribution of personality and intelligence towards cognitive competences in higher education. Frontiers in Psychology, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.621990


  1. Arbula, S., Pisanu, E., & Rumiati R.I. (2021). Representation of social content in dorsomedial prefrontal cortex underlies individual differences in agreeableness trait. NeuroImage. Apr 10:118049. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118049.


  1. Argiris, G., Rumiati, R.I., & Crepaldi, D. (2021). No fruits without color: Cross-modal priming and EEG reveal different roles for different features across semantic categories. PLoS One. 2021 Apr 14;16(4):e0234219. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234219. eCollection 2021.PMID: 33852575


  1. Lapomarda, G., Pappaianni E., Calcagnì, A., Siugzdaite, R., Sanfey, A.G., Rumiati, R.I., & Grecucci A. (2021). Out of control: An altered parieto-occipital-cerebellar network for impulsivity in bipolar disorder. Behavioural Brain Research. May 21;406:113228. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2021.113228


  1. Tessari, A, Mengotti, P., Faccioli, L., Boscaro, S., Cipolli, C., Taricco, M. & Rumiati, R.I. (2021). Effect of meaning and body-part specificity in gesture imitation in left hemisphere stroke patients. Neuropsychologia, 151:107720. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2020.107720. 


  1. Osimo, S.A., Piretti, L., Ionta, S., Rumiati, R.I. & Aiello, M. (2021). The neural substrates of subliminal attentional bias and reduced inhibition in individuals with a higher BMI: a VBM and resting state connectivity study. NeuroImage, Apr 1;229:117725. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.117725.



  1. Piretti, L., Pappaianni E., Lunardelli, A., Zorzenon, I., Ukmar, M., Pesavento, M., Rumiati, R.I., Job, R., & Grecucci, A. (2020). The role of amygdala in self-conscious emotions in a patient with acquired bilateral damage. Frontiers in Neuroscience, doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00677. eCollection 2020.PMID: 32733192


  1. Aspé-Sánchez, M., Mengotti, P., Rumiati, R.I., Rodriguez-Sickert, C., Ewer, J.,

& Billeke, P. (2021). Late frontal negativity discriminates outcomes and intentions in trust-repayment behavior. Frontiers in Psychology. Nov 25, 11:532295, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.532295. eCollection 2020


  1. Miccoli, P. Rumiati, R.I., & Checchi, D. (2020). Open Access of research; which role in the process of evaluation? Experience by Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR). SCIRES-IT, 10, 17-20. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v10Sp17


  1. Vignando, M., Rumiati, R.I., Manganotti, P., Cattaruzza, T., & Aiello, M. (2020). Establishing links between abnormal eating behaviours and semantic deficits in dementia. Journal of Neuropsychology , 14, 431-448. doi: 10.1111/jnp.12195


  1. Turella, L. , Rumiati, R.I. & Lingnau, A. (2020). Hierarchical action encoding within the human brain. Cerebral Cortex, 30, 2924–2938. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhz284.


  1. Korb, S., Massaccesi, C., Gartus, A., Lundström, J.N., Rumiati, R.I., Eisenegger C., & Silani, G. (2020). Facial responses of adult humans during the anticipation and consumption of touch and food rewards. Cognition. Sep 6;194:104044. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2019.104044.



  1. Aiello, M., Parma, V., De Carlo, S., Hummel, T., & Rumiati, R.I. (2019). Cognitive, olfactory and affective determinants of body weight in aging individuals. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 34, 637-647. https://doi.org/10.1093/arclin/acy072


  1. Miccoli, P., & Rumiati, R.I. (2019). Italy's evaluators: rankings boom is real. Nature. Oct;574(7779):486. doi: 10.1038/d41586-019-03206-y.


  1. Coricelli, C., Toepel, U., Notter, M-L., Murray, M.M., & Rumiati, R.I. (2019). Distinct brain representations of processed and unprocessed foods. European Journal of Neuroscience, 8, 3389-3401, doi: 10.1111/ejn.14498


  1. Coricelli, C., Foroni, F., Osimo, S., & Rumiati, R.I. (2019). Implicit and explicit evaluations of foods: The natural and transformed dimension. Food Quality and Preference, 73, 143-153. doi.org/10.1016/j.foodqual.2018.11.014 Elsevier.


  1. Vignando, M., Aiello, M., Rinaldi, Cattaruzza, T., Mazzon, G., A., Manganotti, P., Eleopra, R., & Rumiati, R.I. (2019). Food knowledge depends upon the integrity of both sensory and functional properties: a VBM, TBSS and DTI tractography study Scientific Reports, May 15;9(1):7439. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-43919-8.


  1. Aiello, M., Terenzi, D., Furlanis, G., Catalan, M., Manganotti, P., Eleopra, R., Belgrado, E. & Rumiati, R.I. (2019). Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus and the temporal discounting of primary and secondary rewards. Journal of Neurology. 2019 Feb 14. doi: 10.1007/s00415-019-09240-0


  1. Cecchetto, C., Lancini, E. Rumiati, R.I., & Parma, V. (2019). Women smelling men’s masked body odors show enhanced harm aversion in moral dilemmas. Physiology & Behavior, 201, 212-220.


  1. Cecchetto, C., Lancini, E., Bueti, D., Rumiati, R.I., & Parma, V. (2019). Body odors (even when masked) make you more emotional: behavioral and neural insights. Scientific Reports, Apr 2;9(1):5489. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-41937-0.


  1. Suran, T., Rumiati, R.I. & Piretti, L. (2019). The Contribution of the Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus in affective processing of Social Groups'. Social Neuroscience. Mar 26:1-10. doi: 10.1080/17588928.2019.1593127.


  1. Terenzi, D., Mainetto, E., Barbato, M., Rumiati, R.I. & Aiello, M. (2019). Temporal and effort cost decision-making in healthy individuals with subclinical psychotic symptoms. Scientific Report, 15;9(1):2151.


  1. Garlasco, P., Osimo, S.A., Rumiati, R.I., & Parma, V. (2019). A hierarchical-drift diffusion model of the roles of hunger, caloric density and valence in food selection. Appetite, 138, 52-59.


  1. Mengotti, P., Foroni, F., & Rumiati, R.I. (2019). Neural correlates of the energetic value of food during visual processing and response inhibition. Neuroimage, 184, 130-139.


  1. Rumiati, R.I. Ciolfi, A., Di Benedetto, A., Sabella, M., Infurna, M.R., Ancaiani, A. & Checchi, D. (2019). Key-competences in higher education as a tool for democracy. Form@re, 3, 7-18.



  1. Aiello, M., Vignando, M., Silveri, M.C. & Rumiati, R.I. (2018). Episodic memory for natural and transformed food. Cortex, 107, 13-20.


  1. Vignando, M., Aiello, M., Foroni, F., Marcon, G., Tettamanti, M. & Rumiati, R.I. (2018). How experience modulates semantic memory for food: evidence from elderly adults and centenarians. Scientific Reports, pr 24;8(1):6468.


  1. Aiello, M., Ambron, E., Situlin, R., Foroni, F., Biolo, G. & Rumiati, R.I. (2018). Body weight and its association with impulsivity in middle and old age individuals. Brain and Cognition, 123, 103–109.


  1. Terenzi, D.,  Rumiati, R.I, Catalan, M., Antonutti, L., Furlanis, G., Garlasco, P., Polverino, P., Bertolotti, C., Manganotti, P., & Aiello M. (2018). Reward sensitivity in Parkinson’s patients with Binge Eating. Parkinsonism Related Disorders. 51, 79-84.
  2. Mengotti, P., Aiello, M., Terenzi, D., Miniussi, C., & Rumiati, R.I. (2018). How brain response and eating habits modulate food energy estimation. Physiology and Behaviour, 188, 18–24.
  3. Cecchetto, C., Korb, S., Rumiati, R.I. & Aiello, M. (2018). Emotional reactions in moral decision-making are influenced by empathy and alexithymia. Social Neuroscience. 13, 226-240.



  1. Carmo, J.C., Gonçalves, F., Souza, C., Pinho, S., Filipe, C. N., & Rumiati, R.I. (2017). Over-imitation in autism spectrum disorder: Causally opaque and transparent actions. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science, 1, 77-87.


  1. Cecchetto, C. Rumiati, R.I., & Parma, V. (2017). Promoting cross-culture research on moral decision-making with standardized, culturally-equivalent dilemmas: The 4CONFiDe set. Journal of Health and Social Sciences, 2, 173-194.


  1. Cecchetto, C. Rumiati, R.I., & Aiello, M. (2017). Alexithymia and emotional reactions to odors. Scientific Reports, Oct 26;7(1):14097. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-14404-x.


  1. Pergola, G. Foroni, F., Mengotti, P., Argiris, G. & Rumiati, R.I. (2017). A neural signature of food semantics is associated with body-mass index. Biological Psychology, 129, 282-292.


  1. Aiello, M., Eleopra, R., Foroni, F., Rinaldo, S., & Rumiati, R.I. (2017). Weight gain after STN-DBS: The role of reward sensitivity and impulsivity. Cortex, 92, 150-161.


  1. Moretti, R., Milner, V., Caruso, P. Gazzin, S., & Rumiati, R.I. (2017). Frontal Tasks and Behavior in Rigid or Tremor-Dominant Parkinson Disease. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias, 32, 300-306.


  1. Osimo, S.A. & Rumiati, R.I. (2017). Building up hypotheses in clinical psychology and neuroscience: Similarities and differences. Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, 8, 110-117.


  1. Korb, S., Osimo, S.A., Suran, T., Goldstein, A., & Rumiati, R.I. (2017). Face proprioception does not modulate access to visual awareness of emotional faces in a continuous flash suppression paradigm. Consciousness and Cognition, 51, 166–180.


  1. Baumeister, J.C., Foroni, F., Conrad, M., Rumiati, R.I., & Winkielman, P. (2017). Embodiment and emotional memory in first vs. second language. Frontiers in Psychology, section Cognition, 23; 8:394.


  1. Cecchetto, C., Rumiati, R.I., & Parma, V. (2017). Relative contribution of odour intensity and valence to moral decisions. Perception, 46, 447-474.


  1. Foroni, F. Vignando, M., Aiello, M. Paoletti, M.G., Squartini, A. & Rumiati, R.I. (2017). The smell of terroir! Olfactory discrimination abilities of wines of different grape variety and terroir. Food Quality and Preference, 58, 18-23.


  1. Mengotti, P., Sebastianutto, L., Spiezio, C., Rumiati, R.I., & Balaban, E. (2017). The dual-route imitation in preschool children. Acta Psychologica, 173, 94-100.



  1. Wagenmakers, E.-J., Beek, T., Dijkhoff, L., Gronau, Q. F., Acosta, A., Adams, R. B., Jr., . . . Zwaan, R. A. (2016). Registered Replication Report: Strack, Martin, & Stepper (1988). Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11, 1-12.


  1. Foroni, F., Pergola, G., & Rumiati, R.I. (2016). Food color is in the eye of the beholder: the role of human trichromatic vision in food evaluation. Scientific Report, Nov 14; 6:37034. doi: 10.1038/srep37034


  1. Rumiati, R.I., & di Pellegrino, G. (2016). Thoughts for food in cognitive neuroscience: An introduction to the special issue. Brain and Cognition, 110, 1-3. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2016.09.007


  1. Rumiati, R.I. & Foroni, F., Pergola, G. Rossi, P., & Silveri, M.C. (2016). Lexical-semantic deficits in processing food and non-food items. Brain and Cognition, 110, 120-130. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2016.08.007.


  1. Rumiati, R.I. & Foroni, F. (2016). We are what we eat: How food is represented in our mind/brain. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23, 1043-54.


  1. Foroni, F., Rumiati, R.I., Coricelli, C. & Ambron, A. (2016). A bait that we cannot avoid: Food-induced motor distractibility. Brain and Cognition, 110, 74-84. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2015.12.003.


  1. Aiello, M., Silani, V., & Rumiati, R.I. (2016). You stole my food! Eating alterations in Frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Neurocase, 22, 400-409.


  1. Ambron, E., Rumiati, R.I. & Foroni, F. (2016) Do emotions or gender drive our actions? A study of motor distractibility. Cognitive Neuroscience, 29, 1-10.


  1. Turella, L., Tucciarelli, R., Oosterhof, N.N., Weisz, N., Rumiati, R.I., & Lingnau, A. (2016). Neural dynamics underlying action representations for motor planning. Neuroimage, 136, 197-207.
  2. Papeo, L., Tessari, A. & Rumiati, R.I. (2016). Also patients with dementia need motor examination, but do we need more examination tools? Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. ⟨hal-01358858⟩



  1. Rumiati, R.I., & Humphreys, G. (2015). Cognitive Neuroscience goes social. Cortex, 70, 1-4.


  1. Piretti, L., Carnaghi, A., Campanella, F. Ambron, E., Skrap, M. & Rumiati, R.I. (2015). The neural network associated with lexical-semantic knowledge about social groups. Cortex, 70,155-68.


  1. Mengotti, P. Ripamonti, E., Pesavento, V. & Rumiati, R.I. (2015). Anatomical and spatial matching in imitation: Evidence from left and right brain-damaged patients. Neuropsychologia, 79B, 256–271.


  1. Carnaghi, A., Silveri, M.C. & Rumiati, R.I. (2015). On the relationship between semantic knowledge and prejudice about social groups in patients with dementia. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 28, 71-79.


  1. Tessari, A., Toraldo, A., Lunardelli, A., Zadini, A., & Rumiati, R.I. (2015). STIMA: A Short screening Test for Ideo-Motor Apraxia, selective for action meaning and bodily district. Neurological Sciences, 36, 977-984.


  1. Ambron, E., Lingnau, A., Lunardelli, A., Pesavento, V. & Rumiati, R.I. (2015). The effect of goals and vision on movements: A case study of optic ataxia and limb apraxia. Brain and Cognition, 95, 77-89.


  1. Civai, C., Miniussi, C., & Rumiati, R.I.. (2015).  Medial prefrontal cortex reacts to unfairness if this damages the self: a tDCS study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10, 1054-1060.


  1. Baumeister, J., Foroni, F. & Rumiati, R.I. (2015). When the mask falls: The role of facial muscle resonance in memory for emotional language. Acta Psychologica, 155, 29-36.


  1. Papeo, L., Cecchetto, C., Mazzon, G., Granello, G., Cattaruzza, T., Verriello, L., Eleopra, R. & Rumiati, R.I. (2015). The processing of actions and-action words in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients, Cortex, 64, 136-147.


  1. Aiello, M., Eleopra, R., & Rumiati, R.I. (2014). Body weight and food intake in Parkinson’s disease: A review of the association to non-motor symptoms. Appetite, 84C, 204-211.




  1. Tomasino, R., Marin, D., Canderan, C., Maieron, M., Skrap, M., & Rumiati, R.I. (2014). Neuropsychological patterns following lesions of the anterior insula in a series of forty neurosurgical patients. IMS Neuroscience, 1, 225-244.


  1. Cecchetto, C., Aiello, M., Eleopra, R., Rumiati, R.I. (2014). Facial and bodily emotion recognition in multiple sclerosis: the role of alexithymia and other characteristics of the disease. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 20, 1004-14.


  1. Cicerale, A., Ambron, E., Lingnau, A., & Rumiati, R.I. (2014). A kinematic analysis of age-related changes in grasping to use and grasping to move common objects. Acta Psychologica, 151C, 134-142.


  1. Aiello, M., Eleopra, R., Lettieri, C., Mondani, M., Belgrado, E., Piani, A., De Simone, L., Rinaldo, S. & Rumiati, R.I. (2014). Emotion recognition in Parkinson’s disease after subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation: Differential effects of lesion and STN stimulation. Cortex, 51, 35-45.


  1. Rumiati R.I. (2014). One or two things I know about apraxia. Cortex, 57, 279-280.


  1. Rumiati, R.I., Carnaghi, A., Improta, E., Diez, A.L., & Silveri, M.C. (2014). Social groups have a representation of their own: Clues from neuropsychology. Cognitive Neuroscience, 5, 85-96.


  1. Lunardelli, A., Sartori, A. Mengotti, P., Rumiati R.I. & Pesavento, V. (2014). Intermittent alien hand syndrome and callosal apraxia in multiple sclerosis: implications for interhemispheric communication. Behavioural Neurology, 2014:873541. doi: 10.1155/2014/873541. Epub 2014 Feb 18.


  1. Vicario C.M., & Rumiati R.I. (2014). Left-right compatibility in the processing of trading verbs. Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience, Jan 28;8:16. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00016. eCollection 2014.



  1. Carmo, J. Rumiati, R.I., Siugzdaite, R. & Brambilla, P. (2013). Preserved imitation of known gestures in children with high-functioning autism. ISRN Neurology 2013 Aug 25;2013:751516. doi: 10.1155/2013/751516.


  1. Tomasino, B., Maieron, M., Guatto, E. Fabbro, F., & Rumiati R.I. (2013). How are the motor system activity and the functional connectivity between the cognitive and sensory motor systems modulated by athletic expertise? Brain Research, 1540, 21-41.


  1. Faber, A.H., Gade, M. Lunardelli, A., & Rumiati, R.I. (2013). “Tomato and Tuna Test” for language-free assessment of action understanding. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 26, 208-17.


  1. Tomasino, B. & Rumiati, R.I. (2013). Introducing the special topic “The when and why of sensorimotor processes in conceptual knowledge and abstract concepts”. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Aug 26;7:498. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00498.


  1. Mengotti, P., Corradi-dell’Acqua, C., Negri G.A.L., Pesavento, V., & Rumiati, R.I. (2013). Selective imitation impairments differentially interact with language processing. Brain, 136, 2602-18. doi: 10.1093/brain/awt194.


  1. Tomasino, B., Lotto, L., Sarlo, M., Civai, C., Rumiati, R., & Rumiati, R.I. (2013). Framing the ultimatum game: the contribution of simulation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Jul 9;7:337. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00337.


  1. Civai, C., Rumiati, R.I., & Rustichini, A. (2013). Driving principles in Decision-Making: the role of abstract moral rules. Acta Psychologica, 144, 12-18.


  1. Tomasino, B. & Rumiati, R.I. (2013). At the mercy of strategies: the role of motor representations in language understanding. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:27. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00027. Epub 2013 Feb 4.


  1. Foroni, F., Pergola, G., Argiris, G. & Rumiati, R.I. (2013). The FoodCast research image database (FRIDa). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7:51. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00051. Epub 2013 Mar 1. PMID: 23459781.


  1. De Simone, L., Tomasino, B., Eleopra, R. & Rumiati, R.I. (2013). The effects of healthy aging on mental imagery as revealed by egocentric and allocentric mental spatial transformations. Acta Psychologica, 143, 146-56.


  1. Bonivento, C., Rumiati, R.I., Biasutti, E. & Humphreys, G.W. (2013). The role of the basal ganglia in action Imitation: Neuropsychological evidence from Parkinson’s disease patients. Experimental Brain Research, 224, 211-20.


  1. Papeo, L., & Rumiati, R.I. (2013). Lexical and gestural symbols in left-damaged patients. Cortex, 49,1668-78.


  1. Grecucci, A., Brambilla, P., Siugzdaite, R., Londero, D., Fabbro, F. & Rumiati, R.I. (2013). Emotional resonance deficits in autistic children. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43, 616-28.


  1. Corradi dell’Acqua C., Civai, C., Rumiati, R.I., & Fink, G.R. (2013). Disentangling self- and fairness- related mechanisms in the Ultimatum Game: an fMRI study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 8, 424-431.



  1. Vicario, C. & Rumiati, R.I. (2012). tDCS of the primary Motor Cortex improves the detection of semantic dissonance. Neuroscience Letters, 518, 133-7.


  1. Carmo, J.C., Rumiati, R.I., & Vallesi, A. (2012). Understanding and imitating actions: Distinct underlying mechanisms. PlosOne. 7(10):e46939. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0046939. Epub 2012 Oct 10. PMID: 23071668


  1. Papeo, L., Rumiati, R.I., Cecchetto, C., & Tomasino, B. (2012). On-line changing of thinking about words: The effect of cognitive context on neural responses to verb reading. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24, 2348-62.


  1. Civai, C., Crescentini, C., Rustichini, A. & Rumiati, R.I. (2012). Equality versus self-interest in the brain: differential roles of anterior insula and medial prefrontal cortex. Neuroimage, 62, 102-12.


  1. Cantagallo, A. Maini, M. & Rumiati, R.I. (2012). The cognitive rehabilitation of limb apraxia in patients with stroke. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 22, 473-88.


  1. Tomasino, B., Guatto, E., Rumiati, R.I., & Fabbro, F. (2012). The role of elite volleyball expertise in motor simulation. Acta Psychologica, 139, 1-6.


  1. Mengotti, P., Ticini, L.F., Schütz-Bosbach, S. & Rumiati, R.I. (2012). Imitating others’ actions: Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the parietal opercula reveals the processes underlying automatic imitation. European Journal of Neuroscience, 37, 316-22.


  1. Mengotti, P., Corradi dell’Acqua, C., & Rumiati, R.I. (2012). Neural correlates of spatial and anatomical components in action imitation. Neuroimage, 59, 1622-30.


  1. Jordan-Young, R. & Rumiati, R.I. (2011). Hardwired for Neurosexism? Approaches to Sex/Gender in Neuroscience. Neuroethics, DOI: 10.1007/s12152-011-9134-4.



  1. Crescentini, C. Mengotti, P. Grecucci, A. & Rumiati, R.I. (2011). The effect of observed biological and non-biological movements on action imitation: An fMRI study. Brain Research, 1420, 80-92.


  1. Grecucci, A., & Koch, I. & Rumiati, R.I. (2011). The role of emotional context in facilitating imitative actions. Acta Psychologica, 138, 311-5.



  1. Papeo, L., Corradi-Dell’Acqua, C. & Rumiati, R.I. (2011). “She” is not like “I”: The tie between language and action is in our imagination. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 12, 3939-48.


  1. Tomasino, B., Skrap, M. & Rumiati, R.I. (2011). The role of the human motor hand area in mental rotation: Neuropsychological Evidence. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23, 2068-78.



  1. Papeo, L., Negri, G.A.L., Zadini, A. & Rumiati, R.I. (2010). Action performance and action-word understanding: Evidence of double dissociations in left-damaged patients. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 27, 428-61.


  1. Civai, C., Corradi-Dell’Acqua, C. & Rumiati, R.I. (2010). Are irrational reactions to unfairness truly emotionally-driven? Dissociated behavioral and electrodermal responses in the Ultimatum Game task. Cognition. 114, 89-95.


  1. Grecucci, A., Soto, D., Rumiati, R.I., Humphreys, G.W. & Rotshein, P. (2010). The inter-relations between verbal working memory and visual selection of emotional faces. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 1189-200.


  1. Rumiati, R.I., Papeo, L., & Corradi-Dell’Acqua, C. (2010). Higher-level motor processes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1191, 219-41.



  1. Noy, L. Rumiati, R.I. & Flash, T. (2009). In a simple movement imitation task, kinematic features are sufficient to map perceptions into actions. Brain and Cognition, 69, 360-8.


  1. Carmo, J.C. & Rumiati, R.I. (2009). Imitation of transitive and Intransitive actions in healthy individuals. Brain and Cognition, 69, 460-4.


  1. Papeo, L., Vallesi, A., Isaja, A. & Rumiati, R.I. (2009). Implicit and explicit processing of motor and non-motor verbs and the role of the primary motor cortex: A TMS study. PLOSone. I 4(2):e4508.


  1. Rumiati, R.I. Carmo, J.C. & Corradi-Dell’Acqua, C. (2009). Neuropsychological perspectives on the mechanisms of imitation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 364, 2337-47.


Grecucci, A., Balaban, E., Buiatti, T., Budai, R. & Rumiati, R.I. (2009). The emotional control of action: Evidence from an ERP study. Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 147, 37-49